“No number of sightings of white swans can prove the theory that all swans    

 are white. The sighting of just one black one may disprove it.”

Sir Karl Popper Philosopher 


As records track back, I cannot guarantee with absolute certainty, complete accuracy and I invite challenges and ideas with the aim of correcting any discrepancies in order to create a clearer historical record.


Joseph Fulford (1812-1868) was the son of Brewer and Publican John Fulford (1786) and his wife Ann.

Born: 20th September 1812 

Christened: 28 December 1812 St Phillips, Birmingham, England






Records indicate that Joseph had thirteen siblings with four brothers also upholding the family traditIon of brewing and operating public houses. 

Of note;

               John Fulford (1816-)                 The Bulls Head, 

              Thomas Fulford (1817-1882)   The Bartons Arms 

              Henry Fulford (1818-1889)      The Vine Inn

              Edwin Fulford  (1820-1850).    The Globe Inn 


  1. Joseph (1812-1868) Born: 20 Sept 1812. Christened: 28 December 1812, St Phillips. Brewer: Minerva Brewery. Publican: Minerva Vaults.  
  2. Mary Ann (1814-) Born: 8th May 1814. Christened: 29/8/1814, St Phillips, Legge St.
  3. John (1816-) Born: Legge St, Brewer: Trinity Rd, The Bulls Head: Publican.
  4. Thomas (1817-1882) Born 18/6/1817 Baptised: 14 August 1817, Legge St. Publican: Beer Hse, 1 Barr St, The Bartons Arms
  5. Henry (1818-)  Born: 21st September 1818. Christened: 11th January 1819. Publican: The Vine Inn, Summer Lane. 
  6. Edwin (1820-) Born: 11/6/1820. Canal St. Christened : 3 July 1820 Publican: Beer Hse, Blews St, The Globe public house.  
  7. Harriet (1822-  b. 25 July 1822. Canal St 
  8. James (0) (1823-1824) Born: 24/11/1823. Christened: 16/12 /1823 Canal St. Buried: 8/11/1824 St Mary. 
  9. William (1825- ) Born:.25/5/1825 Canal St, Christened: 23/1/1826.  St Phillips, 
  10. Louisa (1826-1827) b.8.11.1826 Christened: 6/7/1827 St Phillips.  Canal St. Buried: 2/11/1827 St Mary’s. 
  11. Ann (1828-1831) B. 13.7. 1828. died 1831 at 3 years, Canal st. Buried 23.9.1831
  12. Elizabeth (1830-1831)  Born: 27/2/1830 Canal st. Christened St Phillips 
  13. Emily (1832-1833)  Christened: 11/9/1832 St Phillips Canal St, Died 1833 




Joseph Fulford (1812-1868) married Mary Ann née ‘Juxon’(1811- 1872) at St Martin’s Parish Chapel, in The Bull Ring, Birmingham on 22 January 1833. 




St Martin’s Parish Chapel in the Bull Ring


Courtesy: Wikipedia






Joseph Fulford (1812-1868) and Mary Ann (née Juxon) had 12 children. Three of those children were brewers;

of note;

Edward Fulford (1834- 1872)

William Henry Fulford (1844-1909)

Samuel Fulford (1858-1920)


    1. Alfred Joseph  1833-1846
    2. Edward           1834-1872
    3. Mary Ann         1836-1892
    4. Rose Hannah  1838-1923
    5. Emma Jane.    1840-1901
    6. Charles.           1841-1841
    7. Lucy Ellen.       1843
    8. William Henry 1844-1909 
    9. John James      1845-1846
    10. Frances            1847
    11. Elizabeth Ann   1848-1888
    12. Samuel.           1851-1920 



Minerva Brewery (Mott St)

Minerva Vaults Public House (17 Great Hampton Row)


The Minerva Brewery marked ‘Malthouse’ on Mott Street.


Business advertisements in ‘Osborne’s Guide to the Grand Junction or Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester’, first published in 1837 by Edward C. Osborne, advertised J. Fulford as Brewer, Maltster and Hop Merchant, brewing Ale and Porter at the Minerva Brewery, Mott Street. 


Below it is unclear as to whether ‘J FULFORD’ pertains to John or Joseph.



Below: Minerva Vaults (P.H) on the corner of Great Hampton Row and Mott Street 

and Malthouse (Minerva Brewery) both owned and operated Joseph Fulford (1812-1868) GreatGreatGrandfather. 



Courtesy of Crown Copyright and Landmark Information Group

THE MINERVA VAULTS established  c. @ 1825 





Post 184





Research evidence suggests that Joseph’s father;

(1) John (1786-) Victualler Canal St’ is also one of three brewing brothers, notably,

(2) Richard Fulford (1789-)Victualler, Aston Rd’, father of Henry Charles (1823) and  grandfather of Henry Charles (1850) The Holt Brewery lineage.

(3) William Fulford (1790-) Publican “William Victualler 8 Breconsgrove St”, listed at Holt street and at 8 Bromsgrove St (The Black Swan public house) father of George William Fulford (1821-1853) also of The Black Swan public house. 

(4) Thomas Fulford (1783-) is another likely non brewing older brother, living next door at Fowler’s Cottage to Joseph (nephew) at Warren Farm in 1841. 

1839 Wrightson’s Triennial Directory of Birmingham, Warwickshire, U.K.


“    ..     John Victualler Canal St 

   ..       Joseph Minerva Brewery Mall St (Mott)

   ..       Joseph Victualler 17 Gt Hampton St

   ..       Richard Victualler Aston Rd

   ..       William  Victualler 8 Breconsgrove St (Bromsgrove)”

Trade Directory listings 1770-1941

Note two listings at both Mott st and 17 Great Hampton Row



“Fulford, John and Joseph, maltsters Mott street,& 79 Holt st, and Summer lane” 


Indicates that both John and Joseph were maltsters at the Minerva Brewery and that they were also involved in brewing operations in both Holt street and Summer Lane


This further establishes links between other brewing Fulford relatives operating on Holt street at the Holt Brewery.


John and Joseph’s involvement with additional brewing operations and associated public houses in Summer Lane, namely The Vine public house operated by Joseph’s brother, Henry Fulford (1818-). 


Trade directories also listed Edwin Fulford (1820- ) ‘Beer Retailer’ 35 Blews St, (latterly, The Globe) and a separate entry of brother John Fulford (1816-) at The Bulls Head, 1 Price St.  


1841 Trade directory 


Fulford John Beer retailer Bless St (most likely Blews)

    ..      John and Joseph Brewers Mall st (most likely Mott)

    ..      Joseph Minerva  43 Great Hampton Row




The London Gazette, February 15th 1861 





1841 Census records show the Fulford family living at The Minerva Brewery and Joseph listed as a ‘Com’ Brewer (I’m assuming ‘Commercial’).


Courtesy: Family Search


1851 Census records show Joseph as a ‘Brewers Maltster’ and the family had moved to Warren Farm, Handsworth. 


Courtesy: Family Search


Warren Farm House @ 1920’s


Living next door to Joseph and Mary Ann at this time, in Fowler cottage was Thomas Fulford (1783-) uncle of  Joseph and likely brother of John (father), Richard (1789) and William (1790).

Another Fulford relative researching reports, a record of children, John, Joseph and Mary living with Thomas (1783] and with his wife Fanny Fulford (1785-)  but I have been unable to find this record. 

Also a Rootspoint reference listing a Fanny Fulford (1784-)  living with a Robert Fulford (1854-) at Warren cottages.  


Move from Birmingham to Manchester:  


Between 1851 and before 1861 Joseph moved from Birmingham to Manchester.


1861 Census indicates the family move to Openshaw, Lancashire and Joseph as a ‘Master Brewer’ (employing one man and one youth). 

Courtesy: Family Search


This move to the Manchester area may have been prompted by offers of new opportunities following bankruptcy.




Joseph died on 25th May 1868, aged 55 years old in Birmingham. There Is a Joseph Fulford d.1868 in Key Hill Cemetery, Hockley, Birmingham.


Courtesy: Family Search 


Sons William Henry and Samuel were by then well established brewers  in Manchester but it would appear that elder son Edward (1834-1872) remained in, or returned to Birmingham, operating as a Retail Brewer living on Ruston street. 


Edward Fulford (1834-1872) Second Great Uncle    

Occupation: Retail Brewer 

Married: Sarah (1837)

Will and Testimony :

“Fulford Edward of 30 Ruston St, North Birmingham. County of Warwick.

Retail Brewer  died 13/10/1872 at 30 Ruston st, North Birmingham

Effects under £100.

Resworn under £450.”




A possible burglary although the address is Beak St and likely a different Minerva Brewery.

Courtesy: Birmingham History Forum 



The Minerva Vaults experienced a checkered history with several name changes and closures. During its latter years it became The Hampton and encountered an unfortunate ‘wrestle with the law’, when after closure and whilst operating as a ‘Cash and Carry’, an enormous cannabis factory was discovered on its upper floors.

By January 2014 the Minerva Vaults had been gutted and turned into a ‘Cash and Carry’ Ref Astoness: Birmingham History Forum


Cannabis Plantation:



Photograph: Jane Fulford 2019


The Minerva Vaults (The Hampton) on an opposing corner from 1 Barr Street


The  distance of 1 Barr st diagonally opposite the Minerva Vaults as discovered via google maps in the above photograph 2021 


The old Minerva Vaults Public House operated by Joseph Fulford (1812-1868) situated on opposing corners and across the road from 1 Barr st, Beer ? House operated by brother, Thomas Fulford (1817- 1882) as listed on 1851 Census as Brewer and Labourer. 


Later, Thomas Fulford (1817- 1882) was Publican at The Bartons  Arms public house from 1860 to 1882 and until his death at the pub that year.


The Two Towers Brewery and The Burning Soul Brewery


Finally, and astonishingly, Two Towers Brewery had been operating just a few weeks previous to my visit in 2019, and for some years, from exactly the same site on Mott street where GreatGreatGrandfather Joseph Fulford (1812-1868) had his Minerva Brewery in 1841


Furthermore, yet another brewery had now taken up residence at the same  address, The Burning Soul Brewery ! 

(See ‘Name Origin’ for details)